Liquid Waste Generators

Liquid Waste Generators (LWG)

LWGs can find all the necessary documents to obtain or renew their LWG permits here on this page. LWG permits are issued on a five year basis. Below you will find a table summarizing the steps required to obtain a new permit or renew your facility's current permit:

To obtain a new permit:

To renew your current permit:


A responsible company representative must attend the City's Liquid Waste Generator (LWG) Waste Reduction and Pollution Prevention workshop

Submit both an up to date Pollution Prevention (P2) Policy Statement, and Pollution Prevention (P2) Plan. The submittal of these documents should be received at least thirty days before your permit expiration date. Fully editable models of both documents are available on the right-hand side of this page under "Resources".

Step 2

Complete and submit a City LWG Questionnaire. The questionnaire can be found on the right-hand side of this page under "documents".

Our program must review and accept both the P2 Policy Statement and the P2 Plan

Step 3

Develop a Pollution Prevention (P2) Policy Statement. A fully editable Model P2 Policy Statement can be found on the right-hand side of this page under "Documents".

Past annual inspections must indicate overall compliance with our Liquid Waste Control Program rules and your P2 Plan.

Step 4

Develop and Implement a Pollution Prevention (P2) Plan. A fully editable Model P2 Plan can be found on the right-hand side of this page under "Documents".

Your company must notify the City's Environmental Analyst and your waste hauler of your next scheduled liquid waste hauling so our program can perform a control monitoring (testing) event on this hauled liquid waste.

Step 5

Demonstrate through Baseline-Monitoring that liquid waste generated from their facility is non-hazardous, compatible, and in compliance with pollutant guidance levels established in Section 77:01:01:A02 of these rules.

Control monitoring results must indicate that your liquid waste is in compliance with guidance levels established in Section 77:01:01:A02 of the City's Liquid Waste Control Program Rules.

In addition to completing the above steps, it is important that your company is familiar with the City's Liquid Waste Control Program Rules. It is the sole responsibility of the company to comply with all the requirements set forth within these rules.

For any questions related to the Liquid Waste Control Program contact the Water Reclamation Division at 605-367-8188.