Water Service Line Inventory

The City of Sioux Falls’ Water Purification team is participating in a mandatory, nationwide initiative to inventory the location and makeup of public and private water service lines in the community, and we need the help of Sioux Falls homeowners to complete the job. 

The water service line inventory, which is required by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and supported by the South Dakota Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources (DANR), requests property owners take a few minutes to look at and test the material of the water service line pipe within their home or business and report what they find via online survey at www.sdwaterpipes.com. The website, which was developed by DANR for water providers across the state, has resources, commonly asked questions, a guide for testing the service line, and a link to the online survey. 

The primary goal of the inventory is to identify any remaining public and private lead pipes within drinking water systems, as lead is a known toxin for humans and animals. Congress banned the use of lead pipes and fixtures in 1986. The inventory is the latest in a decades-long push to remove and replace lead from systems across the U.S.  

In Sioux Falls, the City’s Water Purification team has proactively identified and removed lead pipes and fixtures from the water system for the past several decades and has worked with private property owners to the same. 

While the inventory’s primary goal is to identify lead service lines, it is also a means for the Water Purification team to improve and verify the data it has on all service line materials throughout the community, whether it is made of galvanized, copper, PVC, or other types. Accurate data supports the city’s mission to provide safe and reliable water service to customers. 

Documenting your pipe helps your family, neighborhood, and water provider. It’s a simple process that only takes a few minutes, but it can have a huge impact on community health and safety.

Visit www.sdwaterpipes.com for more information, a step-by-step guide and access to the online survey. For questions specific to the City of Sioux Falls, call 605-367-8600.