12th Street Connection to Lewis and Clark Water System

  • Project valueEngineer’s Estimate = $3,563,405.93
  • Contractor nameTBD
  • Completion DateNovember 14, 2025

Project Update: 02/18/2025

This construction project is the first phase of the City’s third connection to the Lewis & Clark Regional Water System. A 24” PVC water transmission main will be installed along Ellis Road from Windmill Ridge Street north to 12th Street (Highway 42), and west along 12th Street (Highway 42) from Ellis Road to the west end of the Cherry Lake Subdivision, or about one mile. The water main will be bored under 12th Street using trenchless construction. At the other intersections in the project, pavement will be removed and replaced to install the water main.

Bidding of the project is scheduled for mid February, and an Open House will be scheduled after the contract is awarded. Details will be communicated on this webpage and via mail to residents in the construction zone. 

Commuter Route Information

Traffic control will be split into three phases for the project, starting with Phases A&B on Ellis Road.

During Phase A:

  • Northbound traffic traveling in the outside northbound lane on Ellis Road will be required to merge into the inside northbound lane sooner than usual for the contractor to install a temporary asphalt lane on the east side of Ellis Road.

During Phase B:

  • Windmill Ridge Street access to Ellis Road will be closed for 3 – 4 weeks; traffic will be directed to use 22nd Street.
  • Traffic on Ellis Road will be reduced to two lanes of head-to-head traffic on the east side of the median.
  • Stoney Creek Road intersection will be open as a two-way stop with no left turns; traffic will be encouraged to use 22nd Street.

During Phase C:

  • Lakeside Drive intersection will be closed for 1 – 2 weeks.
  • Traffic entering and exiting the Cherry Lake Subdivision from 12th Street (Hwy 42) will be required to use Cherry Lake Avenue.

During Phase D:

  • Cherry Lake Avenue intersection will be closed for 1 – 2 weeks.
  • Traffic entering and exiting the Cherry Lake Subdivision from 12th Street (Hwy 42) will be required to use Lakeside Drive.

Project Milestones

Phase A & B - Ellis Road:

  1. Traffic Control
  2. Install Temporary Asphalt Lane
  3. Remove Pavement & Sidewalk
  4. Install Water main
  5. Install traffic Fiber Optic Cable
  6. Pavement Patching
  7. Sidewalk Replacement
  8. Seeding / Restoration

Phase C - 12th Street (hwy 42):

  1. Traffic Control
  2. Install Temporary Asphalt Lane
  3. Remove Pavement & Sidewalk
  4. Install Water main
  5. Install traffic Fiber Optic Cable
  6. Pavement Patching
  7. Sidewalk Replacement
  8. Seeding / Restoration

Phase D - 12th Street (hwy 42):

  1. Traffic Control
  2. Install Temporary Asphalt Lane
  3. Remove Pavement & Sidewalk
  4. Install Water main
  5. Install traffic Fiber Optic Cable
  6. Pavement Patching
  7. Sidewalk Replacement
  8. Seeding / Restoration

Project Location Map

Project location map for the Lewis & Clark project

Traffic Control Phasing Map

Traffic Control Phasing map for the Lewis & Clark project