Recycling in Sioux Falls

City staff are available to provide in-person recycling education and presentations for your group. Please give us a call at 605-367-8280 to place a request.

The City of Sioux Falls makes it a point to recycle. Recycling extends the life of the landfill and gives valuable materials a second life. We want our residents to understand how to recycle, and what can be recycled. Paper, cardboard, metal cans, glass bottles and jars, and plastic tubs, jugs, and bottles can all be recycled. Hoses, diapers, and fabrics cannot. Explore the following graphics to determine which of your items are or are not recyclable.

Recycle in Your Bin

Items must be empty, rinsed if possible. Place them loosely in your bin. Do not bag. Any bagged items go to the landfill.

*Shredded paper is the only exception to No Bags rule.


What Can You Recycle?

paper-and-cardboard    Paper and cardboard (Shredded paper* in clear, tied bags only.)

plastic-bottles-tubs-jugs    Plastic bottles, tubs and jugs

metal-cans    Metal cans

glass-jars-and-bottles    Glass jars and bottles

What Can You Not Recycle?

  • Plastic bags
  • Batteries
  • Hoses & tanglers
  • Fabric
  • Diapers & Medical waste
  • Hangers
  • Metal car parts
  • Plant & food waste
  • Plastic toys
  • VHS tapes

Household Hazardous Waste and Electronics

Hazardous waste, such as paint and chemicals, do not belong in your regular trash or recycling bin. Electronics do not belong in your bins either. Households can drop these items off at the Household Hazardous Waste Facility.

Items to Recycle at the Landfill

26750 464th Ave., Hartford, SD
(605) 367-8162

Monday to Saturday: 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sunday: Closed 





Washers/DryersWashers and dryers

Water HeatersWater heaters

Water SoftenersWater softeners

Lawn MowersMowers and trimmers 

Scrap MetalScrap metal


Snow kBlowerSnow blowers


Green Waste Disposal Guide

Yard waste does not belong in with your regular trash. Contact your hauler, compost at home, or take out to the landfill for composting. No plastic bags please.



Grass clippings can be composted at the landfill.



Leaves can be composted at the landfill.

Plant Cuttings

Plant Cuttings

Plant cuttings can be composted at the landfill.

Wood must be separate from yard waste and can be taken to the landfill.



Branches are turned into mulch at the landfill.



Wood is turned into mulch at the landfill.

Wood Palettes

Wood Palettes

Wood pallets are turned into mulch at the landfill.