

The Sioux Falls Downtown Residents' Association is an inclusive group of residents determined to make downtown an even better place to live. We want to be part of decision making by developers, property owners and city officials that affects downtown residents. Our four primary goals are to enhance livability, beautification, identity and public safety (walkability). Downtown is the living room of our community!

The following are among the key issues addressed in the Downtown Development Plan:

  • Maintain the strong urban center identity of downtown.
  • Encourage a mix of uses and activities, including housing, retail, civic, financial, and
    entertainment throughout the district. Encourage housing as a stronger component of the
    future land use mix.
  • Utilize the design review overlay district standards for new construction and exterior
    remodeling to preserve the downtown image and existing historic and aesthetic resources.
  • Develop and promote the economic potential of the heritage tourism trend, capitalizing on the
    historic character and image of downtown.
  • Build and enhance downtown’s role as a community arts and cultural center; e.g., incorporate
    outdoor public art into the streetscape.
  • Create public open areas for passive use, events, and activities to enhance environmental
    quality and to link spaces to the Sioux River Greenway.
  • Maintain a transportation system that accommodates bicycle and pedestrian travel,
    encourages use of the public transit system, addresses traffic and parking needs, and
    reduces rail and vehicular conflicts.
  • Use public and private involvement to identify land parcels and existing buildings for
    redevelopment sites and expansion of uses.
  • Address other development issues including infrastructure, maintenance, and public safety.