Forest Health Survey

Parks and Recreation’s Forestry Team surveys trees within City limits to find dead, diseased, and insect-infested trees that may pose a hazard to residents and property. This survey happens and is necessary to maintain a healthy and diverse urban forest in Sioux Falls.


Trees on public and private property are surveyed. If a dead, diseased, and insect-infested tree is on your private property, a letter will notify the property owner to remove the tree.


Street trees will be marked with blue paint in the right of way or on City Property.

  • Blue "X" means the tree was found to be hazardous during the Forest Health Survey and will be removed. A paper notice will be posted on the door of the abutting property owner. The Forestry Team will remove the tree.
  • A Blue number is our ash tree removal process as part of our Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) response plan. A paper notice will be posted on the door of the abutting property owner. The Forestry Team will remove the tree.

Permit to Replant Your Street Tree


Forest Survey Example Markings