Street Light Outage
How to Report Street Light Outages
Phone: (605) 373-6979
Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Or, fill out the form below.
To assist the Electric Light Division in locating and repairing non-functioning street lights in the quickest manner possible, please be sure to identify the location of the light pole as precisely as you can. This will allow the workers to quickly attend to the problem light, and not spend additional time trying to determine which light is the problem when multiple lights are present in the same area.
The following information can greatly help when submitting a report:
In a Residential Area
Please provide a house number that is directly adjacent to the pole with the outage.
Near an Intersection
In addition to the names of the streets, please provide the direction (N,S,E,W) and approximate distance from the intersection that the pole is from the corner.
On Arterial Streets
Lights on arterial streets have an ID number plate on the pole. Please provide the name of the street the light is on, the nearest cross street, and if possible, the ID number on the pole tag if you are able to obtain it.