Work Group for Brockhouse Collection Publishes Report and Survey

Published on July 12, 2024

The work group formed by Mayor Paul TenHaken to develop a plan for the surplus of the Brockhouse Collection at the Delbridge Museum of Natural History convened for another meeting Friday.

The group of six individuals, led by Sioux Falls Parks and Recreation Director Don Kearney and Great Plains Zoo CEO Becky Dewitz, reviewed the final survey report and specimen data from A.M. Art Conservation. They also looked at insurance coverage options for the collection, estimates for a building that would house a reimagined Brockhouse Collection, and potential non-profit options for the collection.

The survey report and specimen data from A.M. Art Conservation examined each specimen in the Brockhouse Collection, which includes more than 150 mounts. The final report is the result of a five-day on-site survey by a team of conservators and taxidermists experienced with historical taxidermy collections. The public can review the available specimen data and the survey reports on the City of Sioux Falls website. This report was conducted at the request of the work group.

In the executive summary of the report, A.M. Art Conservation states, “The decisions of the Working Group should be based not on visceral reactions, but on a careful assessment of how the mounts meet the institution’s present needs, and the costs involved in being responsible stewards of this collection.”

Members of the work group include Councilors Rich Merkouris and Richard Thomason, Sioux Falls Zoo and Aquarium Board Chair Jeanelle Lust, Parks and Recreation Board Member Mick Conlin, and two community members, Ally Brandner and Jeff Scherschligt. The work group will continue to meet until they come to a consensus on a surplus plan for the Brockhouse Collection that can be presented to City Council.


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