Submit a Concern

The Sioux Falls Police Department strives to serve our community in the best way possible. If you have witnessed misconduct by a Sioux Falls police officer and wish to file a report, you may do so online. 

Submit a Report

Select "File a Concern (Police Department)" in the online form and provide the following information: 

  • Officer's name 

  • Details of the incident 

  • Your contact information 

Please provide specific examples of the officer's behavior that was against the department's code of conduct. False or misleading statements may result in consequences, so be honest and accurate in your report. 

Reports of misconduct filed against officers are investigated by the Professional Standards Unit. 

The investigations are for the purpose of internal department review and not for criminal prosecution. The unit tracks all concerns and commendations for all department employees. 

Reports of concerns and the investigation findings are posted here on a quarterly basis.