When a street widening project is identified to accommodate current and future traffic volumes, the City makes contact with property owners to discuss the project. The City requests input from drivers and property owners as a part of the public input process. During this process, possible design issues that may affect adjacent properties are identified. As the design progresses, more detail on property access will be available.
If it is determined that additional right-of-way is needed to construct the proposed improvements, the City will discuss the need for property with the owner. Independent land appraisers make appraisals of the property to establish a value. The City negotiates with the property owner to purchase only the property that is needed to construct the improvements. In some cases, the City may ask for the property to be dedicated at no cost for the benefit of the public.
Additional temporary easements may also be needed to blend private property into to the new street project. It is rare for a project to impact a property to the extent that a resident has to move.