Food Service Inspections

Health Food Service Inspections

A complete list is also available that can be sorted by name, address and score.


Health Food Service Inspection Scores Disclaimer

The City of Sioux Falls Health Department welcomes you to the Health Inspection report website. You will be able to access the health inspection scores and reports for every Restaurant, Cafeteria, Convenience Store, Grocery Store, or any other retail food establishment within the Sioux Falls City limits.

While viewing the inspection reports please remember an inspection score is a "snapshot" of the overall condition at the time of the inspection. Inspection scores are a means used by the City of Sioux Falls to ensure compliance with State Food Code requirements. On any given day at a food establishment there might be more or fewer violations.

Please note: Any facility scoring below an 80 as a result of the Health Department's unannounced visit/inspection will have a full follow-up inspection within 30 days to determine if the necessary corrections identified have been satisfactorily addressed. All critical violations are verified corrected either at the time of the inspection or at a follow-up inspection within 10 days. If any person would like to review the results of a follow-up inspection, such person is free to visit the Health Department at 521 North Main Avenue in order to review the appropriate file or call 605-367-8760 and inquire.

All attempts are made to accurately represent inspection scores however, inaccuracies may occur due to technical errors. If you feel a score is inaccurate or want any further information, please contact us online or by telephone at 605-367-8760.

Health Scores FAQ

How do I file a complaint?

The Environmental Division of the Sioux Falls Health Department is responsible for conducting health inspections at restaurants, grocery stores, and lodging establishments. If you would like to file a complaint about any of the above facility types please fill out the contact form. All information about you is kept confidential unless the case goes to court (which is very rare). 

We will investigate any item related to food safety and sanitation. 

Please include: 

  • The name and address of the establishment.
  • The date and approximate time you observed the problem.
  • Any conversation you had regarding the problem with facility staff.
  • Your name, address, and phone number.
  • If anybody in your party became ill.
  • If you would like a call back from the inspector.

Are follow-up inspections conducted to ensure facilities are in compliance?

Complete reinspections are conducted within 30 days for all facilities that score less than 80. Follow-up inspections are also conducted for all critical items (3 points and greater) that were not corrected during the routine inspection. These are done within 10 days.

How recent are the posted scores?

Inspection scores will be updated generally every 30 days. Only the most recent two routine inspection scores are posted here.

The inspection date is listed on each inspection report.

How often are facilities inspected?

Restaurants and grocery stores are inspected at least twice a year. If a facility is only operating at a certain time of the year, it will be inspected at least once during its operation season.

Do facilities know when they will be inspected?

Inspections are unannounced. This means facilities do not know when an inspection will take place until the inspector walks in the door.

How are scores determined?

An inspection checklist consists of 44 items. Each item has an assigned point value based on the risk that violation presents to the public. Scores are determined by adding up the point values of the cited items and subtracting that value from a perfect score of 100 points. Facilities must score an 80 or greater to pass the inspection.

Example 1: One (2 point) item and three (1 point) items would remove a total of five points from a perfect score of 100 points for a total of 95 points.

Example 2: One (5 point) violation would remove 5 points from a perfect score of 100 points for a total of 95 points.

What types of inspections are posted?

Only routine inspection scores are posted. Follow-up inspections, complaint investigations, facility correspondence, or any action that is currently in progress is not posted.