Frequently Asked Questions

How many full-time employees does the City have?

The City has 1,250 full-time employees.

Can I send the City my resume to keep on file to be considered for City jobs?

No, the City only accepts applications for open positions. If you do not see a job that interests you at this time, continue to check our Careers page.

What types of jobs does the City have?

All types – from entry level to professional. Employees are needed in all areas to provide essential services including police and fire protection, recreational and cultural opportunities, clean water, and properly maintained streets.

What if I don’t have an account set up? How else can I find out about open positions?

All available employment opportunities are posted on the City’s website at

I found an open position that I’m interested in. How do I apply for the job?

You can apply online at If an ADA accommodation is needed contact, or 605-367-8740.

What qualifications are you looking for in an applicant?

First of all, we are looking for candidates who meet or exceed the minimum qualifications of the job description so be sure to review that when applying for the job.

We’re also looking for strong customer service skills for all positions because that’s what we’re here to do – provide excellent service!

If I check “yes” to the question about whether I have a felony conviction, does that automatically disqualify me from working for the City?

No, having a felony conviction is not an automatic disqualifier. We will consider the type of offense, the date of the offense, and the position applied for when making a decision.

How long should I expect to wait before hearing from the City regarding the status of my application?

Once the position has closed, it may take two to four weeks for all the applications to be reviewed – first by Human Resources and then by the hiring department. The length of time to review the applications is dependent upon how many applications are received – sometimes up to 300 applications for one open position! At the completion of the application review process, all applicants will receive notification as to whether or not they have been selected for an interview.

What if I’m not interested in a regular full-time job – I just want to work on a temporary or seasonal basis. How do I apply?

Some City departments have temporary and/or seasonal positions available on a fairly regular basis. In fact, the City hires approximately 500 such employees on an annual basis. View the Careers page to check out the temporary job opportunities available.

I want to be a Police Officer or Firefighter. How do I apply?

There is a specific hiring process for Police Officer and Firefighter. Review the Fire Rescue and Police recruitment pages for more information.