Section 1. The official instruments of the Board are the record of notice, the agenda, and the minutes of hearings and meetings.
Section 2. All notices, agendas, requests, agency or consultant letters or reports, citizen petitions, maps, photographs, staff reports, and minutes of hearings and meetings shall constitute the documents of the Board and shall be indexed as a matter of public record and be maintained in the City Planning office.
Section 3. A printed agenda shall be prepared in advance of all meetings. The agenda shall consist of the time and place of the meeting and specific descriptions of the topics to be discussed. The format of all Board agendas shall include the following:
1. Meeting Procedures
2. Approval of PTAB Agenda
3. Approval of PTAB Meeting Minutes from past meeting
4. Public input on non agenda items
5. New Business
6. Old Business
7. Reports
8. Adjournment
Section 4. The draft minutes for a meeting shall be posted on the City website within ten working days following the meeting. A set of approved minutes shall be kept and maintained by City Planning office staff. Minutes shall contain a record of attendance, actions taken, numerical results of votes taken, and specific descriptions of items discussed.
Section 5. All records, files, publications, correspondence, and other materials available to the public for reading, copying, and other purposes are governed by the Freedom of Information Act.