Boards, Commissions & Committees

More than 40 boards and commissions advise the Mayor and City Council on a variety of issues that shape our government and City. We encourage you to share your talents to benefit our community.

Most appointments are made by the Mayor with the consent and approval of the City Council.

Browse through the list and if you'd like to apply for a board or commission, you can apply online. If you prefer, you can download a PDF version. Your application will be kept on file for three years and will be considered every time there is an opening on the board or commission for which you applied. More information can be found in the Handbook for Citizen Boards

There are so many good things happening in Sioux Falls. Much of the credit for our outstanding quality of life goes to people who are willing to donate their time and talents for the good of all.

+ signifies board vacancy

39 Result(s) Found
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