
The Licensing Office, under the supervision of the City Attorney's Office, helps ensure that businesses meet the requirements for operating within our city. The Licensing Office manages licensing for a variety of business types. Check below for licensing information on specific business types and how to apply if needed. Not all businesses and professions need City licensing. See Section 110.026 of the Code of Ordinances for a complete list of licenses issued by the City Attorney's Office. 

If you have any questions, please get in touch with our Licensing Specialist at 605-367-8082


Charitable, Educational, and Religious Organization Registration

The provisions of Chapter 117 - Peddlers and Vendors shall not apply to solicitations, sales or distributions made by charitable, educational, or religious organizations which have registered with the city on the forms provided.


A license is required if you wish to hold a carnival or circus in Sioux Falls. Fire, Health and Electrical inspections must be completed before the license will be issued. Contact the Licensing Specialist for additional information.

Fortune Telling, Clairvoyant, or Other Related

Any fortuneteller, clairvoyant, palmist, astrologer, or any person practicing mesmerism, phrenology, necromancy, divination, mediumship, magic, or life or character reading or any person practicing hypnotism who is neither a licensed practitioner of the healing arts as defined in SDCL 36-2-1(6) and 36-2-2 nor under the direct supervision of such a licensed practitioner, who demands or receives a fee for exhibition or exercise of his art or profession, must obtain an annual license. Please contact the Licensing Specialist for more information.

Fortune Telling Application

Livery License

Please refer to Chapter 124 Transportation Services

Livery vehicle means an equine-type animal-drawn public passenger vehicle with driver furnished, and carrying or accepting passengers for hire.

An annual license is required.

Livery License Application

Massage Therapist and Establishments

The City of Sioux Falls no longer licenses Massage Therapists or Massage Establishments.

Please contact the State of South Dakota Board of Massage Therapy for licensing information.

Motion Picture Theaters

The Motion Picture Theater license application fee is based on seating capacity. This fee includes an annual Fire and Health Inspection.

Pawnbroker, Secondhand Goods Dealer, & Dealer in Precious Metals and Gems

Please refer to Chapter 116 of City Ordinances for more information. However, in brief terms, you are required to obtain a Secondhand Goods Dealer license in you plan to purchase personal property for resale or for the purpose of a loan. You will also be required to set up a no-cost Leads Online account to report items purchased. This can be done online at

Raffle Regulations

Visit the City Clerk's Raffle webpage for more information.

Transportation Services

Please refer to Chapter 124 Transportation Services for more information. However, in brief terms, if you accept or permit anyone to accept money or thing of value from a passenger for transportation in a vehicle, you will be required to obtain a Vehicle for Hire Business license from the Licensing Specialist and any driver will be required to obtain an Operator's permit from Police Records Division.