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Annexation Program
If the orderly growth of Sioux Falls is to continue over the planning period, it is essential that the City continue pursuing an active annexation program. The boundaries for providing municipal services should generally coincide with the corporate limits. Areas designated by the land use plan as future growth areas of the city should be annexed in advance of major development as should existing rural subdivisions which lie adjacent to the city. This policy will assure that sufficient development land to accommodate the future growth of the urban areas is maintained.
There are two methods of annexation allowed under state law.
85th Street and I-29 Pre-Annexation Agreement
Cactus Heights (South) Pre-Annexation Agreement
Pine Lake Hills Pre-Annexation Agreement
Pleasant View Acres Pre-Annexation Agreement
Planning Projects Coordinator Jeff Schmitt jeff.schmitt@siouxfalls.gov 605-367-8891
Link to 2017 Annexation Task Force Meetings
2017 Annexation Task Force Report