Plan an Event on City Property
The event sponsor submits a special event application no later than 60 days prior to the event. Events are reviewed on a first-come, first served basis. Upon receiving your completed application, a representative from Parks and Recreation will contact you and serve as your primary point of contact during the processing of your request. This person will review your preliminary event information, schedule the Special Event Committee Meeting and confirm your permit requirements and fees. Your representative will also serve as the liaison between the City department, regulatory agencies and you, the event organizer.
Procedure for Scheduling a Special Event:
The Special Events Coordinator determines if the event should be designated as a Special Event. If the event is endorsed, applicants will be required to attend an event review meeting with the Special Event Committee 30 to 60 days prior to the event to finalize the logistics of the event. The Event Sponsor sends final event information to Park Office a minimum of 30 days prior to the event.
Special Event Reservation Information
Definition of a Special Event: Any of the following activities involving 25 or more persons, animals or vehicles, or a combination thereof, open to the general public taking place on public space that involves a temporary and exclusive use of public space involving a substantial deviation from current legal land use or legal nonconforming use and may include, but not be limited to:
- Amusements or carnivals
- Entertainment
- Music by way of sound amplification
- Dancing
- Dramatic or theatrical productions
- Festivals
- Parades
- Runs, walks, triathlons and bicycle races or rides that will not comply with the normal or usual traffic regulations or controls or are likely to impede, obstruct, impair or interfere with free flow of traffic
- Any activity involving the sale of merchandise, food or alcohol
- Any activity making use of structures not already present on the public space such as stages, booths, canopies, awnings, risers, bleachers, fences, partitions, stands or similar constructions
- Any activity taking place on public space that may require for its successful execution city services to a degree significantly over and above that routinely provided under ordinary circumstances, as determined by the special events committee
Special Event Review Committee:
- Economic Development representative
- Engineering representative
- Environmental representative
- Facilities Management representative
- Fire Rescue representative(s)
- Health Department representative
- Human Relations representative
- Licensing representative
- Parks and Recreation representative(s)
- Planning/Building Services representative
- Police Department representative
- Public Parking representative
- Risk Management representative
- DTSF Inc. representative (if applicable)
- Levitt Sioux Falls representative (if applicable)
- Sioux Area Metro representative (if applicable)